
Adeles Grove
Experience | camping | North West | Queensland

Adeles Grove

Camping in paradise

by Susie Baber  |  30 July 2022

When we first added Boodjamulla National Park to our wish list for this trip, I was fairly determined that we would camp in the national park, figuring that being right at the gorge would allow much more time for exploring it. I had even booked a site for two nights with QLDNP. When we had a change of dates I was very disappointed that there was nothing available in the national park for the nights that we needed, no matter how many times I went back and checked the online booking system over several weeks.

Finally admitting defeat, I booked a site at Adeles Grove and it was probably one of the best moves I made.

This campground is beautiful. The facilities are excellent, including fuel, a free laundry and as much water as you can use. There is a cafe/restaurant and bar with a great deck to enjoy your meal on, and all the staff were lovely. Adele’s also offer canoe hire and tours for exploring Boodjamulla which is only 10km away.

There are two camping areas – the bush camping is closer to reception and the amenities, has bigger sites if you have a bigger van or a larger group of people. The Grove is down by the creek and is where we stayed. This area is much more shady and the sites are tighter to get into, but there were still plenty of smaller vans and camper trailers down here. It is further to walk to the amenities blocks but that is more than made up for by the beautiful turquoise waters of Lawn Hill Creek and the proximity to the swimming hole with steps to get in and out of the water.

We managed to snag a site right on the bank of the creek and it was just delightful, we could have quite happily stayed for much more than our 2 nights. Lawn Hill Gorge is easily accessible from here, a short drive on sealed road. I couldn’t recommend it more.

For more information about Adeles Grove click here.

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